40 chimes at top of hour

by Joeski
(Ft Pierce Fl)

I just purchased a grandfather clock at estate auction after transporting I leveled, reinstalled weights and pendulums.

It seems to be keeping time ok although it is not chiming on 1/4 1/2 or 3/4 hour.
When it hits top of hour it chimes 40 notes with one hour strike in middle of melody and then strikes the proper number of hours.
This unit has a three chime lever above #12 position west.whitt.winch.
The unit has three weights with three chains. I have the heavy one on the right.

I have let unit run for 24 hours now without touching it to see if it would self correct itself with no success.
Any help would be great.

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Oct 20, 2014
by: Anonymous_jj

The weights have markings on the bottom. The heavy one goes on the right cable while facing the front of the clock. It is stamped CT on bottom of weight .

next, hang the one stamped TT in the center. This powers the pendulum.

Last, hang the one stamped ST on the left. This powers the hour strike.

Ps, make sure you flip the pulley and hang weight on stirrup when you install the weights.

Best of luck!

Jan 16, 2014
by: Anonymous

look at the bottom of the weights - there may be a L C R for left,center,right. Make sure the R is on the right as you face the clock and the L is on the left and the C is in the middle. Let me know if this is the problem.

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