The history of Grandmother clocks
Go online and search for the history of Grandmother clocks. You won’t find much hard evidence. The truth is there remains broad speculation about the differences between grandmother and grandfather clocks.
Let’s start with what we do know. A Grandmother clock is typically shorter than a grandfather clock.
The consensus seems to be between 5-6 feet in height.
If you look for a grand mother clock that is for sale you will often find a rounder, more ornate Longcase clock that does in fact stand about 5-6 feet tall. That being said you will also find clocks that look in virtually every way like a grandfather clock, but are reclassified because of their height.
We also know that this type of clock often graces smaller areas where a grandfather clock would be overpowering. It can also be used to provide a softer more feminine touch to certain areas of the home.
These clocks function like their larger counterparts
and owe their place in history to the Longcase clock developed in 1670 by William Clement. Interestingly Clement decided to build his clock in a wooden case simply because earlier editions of the same concept allowed the weights and pendulum to dangle from a wall mounted clock. Clements version was more aesthetically pleasing and became the standard by which all future encased clocks would aspire.
The origin of the term Grandmother-clock dates back to the 1920s, which was not quite 50 years following the naming of the Grandfather clock. It is thought that the smaller version was more affordable for many families and allowed the Longcase type clocks to grow in popularity and prominence as an ‘every man’ timepiece.
Grandmother-Clock in Medium Brown
The luxury of owning a timepiece
was previously only available to those who had substantial wealth. While there is no record of the intent of the naming, the term grandmother clock may have come into vogue as an attempt to demonstrate that those who owned one of these shorter timepieces had purchased something viewed as inferior to their larger counterparts.
If this is true the notion was ultimately forgotten or dismissed as these clocks now grace homes in virtually every state in America and around the world and provide the jovial feeling of an enlarged clock family instead of a member thought of as second class.
The clock is often sought after simply because it does provide an artistic variation in style that appeals to different sensibilities than does the grandfather clock.
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I just got a Pulaski clock Not rated yet I just got a Pulaski grandfather click model number 1057 n was wondering if it's worth anything
Daneker 'Grandmother' Clock for sale Not rated yet I have a Daneker 'Grandmother' clock I inherited and would like to sell it for an appropriate fee.
Can you help me?
I had it checked out and oiled …
Grandmother nice clock! Not rated yet Ok, I got this trend clock, grandmother clock it's like 8 feet tall and the box were the movement is like 12"x 9" the long wood its 6" wide and 7 feet …
Ridgeway Clock Gift Not rated yet I recently received a clock from an uncle. I have no experience with clocks but want to know its age and where to find information to care for and use …
Christie's of London Not rated yet I have a grandmother clock by Christie's of London - can only find one entry re. this company referring to William Christie in the 1800's - anyone know … Click here to write your own.
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