Kassel Grandfather clock
Combining quality workmanship with beauty, the Kassel grandfather clock strives to make owning a gorgeous yet functional floor clock affordable.
With clocks available in a number of styles and features that make having a grandfather clock convenient, you’re sure to be satisfied when you choose to purchase one of these clocks.
Though the price of a Kassel grandfather clock may be lower than some other brands of clock, you’ll find that the workmanship and materials that go into these clocks is just as dependable than some other clock models that might cost you two to three times as much.
One of the
most popular models available from Kassel is the company’s
31 day clock
This model of clock is so named because it is designed to stay
wound for up to 31 days, giving you the convenience of not having to wind the clock every day or risk having the clock stop at an inopportune moment.
These clocks are able to stay wound for such a long period of time because they feature a
spring-driven movement, as opposed to traditional grandfather clocks which use their weights to drive the clockwork movement.
Of course, Kassel 31-day grandfather clocks still feature weights in order to help give them the look of a more traditional clock even though the movement is spring-operated; don’t worry about these clocks not being “real” grandfather clocks, though, because they feature no batteries and the clock really does have
a functioning pendulum that is essential to the clock’s functions.
Many Kassel longcase clocks feature a simple beauty that can’t be matched, and this simplicity follows from the case design to the chimes themselves.
Instead of using an elaborate chime that can make it difficult to tell exactly what time it is, Kassel clocks opt for a simple chiming of the hours to ring forth the time in
a beautiful and clear tone.
An additional chime occurs at each half-hour, giving you another audio reminder of the time that isn’t going to cause an excess of noise throughout the day.
To make purchasing a Kassel grandfather clock easier, most Kassel models require
a small amount of assembly
in order to get them set up and operational.
This doesn’t mean that the clocks are made of cheap materials or that they’ll break easily, of course; the clocks are made using real wood and glass and are built to last.
The assembly that may be required simply consists of adding screws to hold together the major parts of the clock, letting it be contained in a smaller package so that you can more easily transport or ship it to your home.
Kassel tallcase clocks can be found in
several beautiful designs
, letting you pick the right clock to best
match the décor of the room that you’ll be placing the clock in.
Whether you choose a Kassel 31-day clock or a Kassel grandfather clock with a more traditional movement mechanism, you’ll definitely be happy with the clock that you decide to buy and will have a beautiful timepiece that can be treasured for years to come.
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Robert Not rated yet Can anyone tell me how to contact the manufacturer of Kassel pendulum wall clocks?
Mine has failed and I would like to know if I can replace the movement. …
Jim Not rated yet I have a Kassel 31 day mantle clock and I noticed it begins to run slow slow about four days after I wind it up with my key.
Is there any mechanism …
Overpriced Piece of Crap Not rated yet I purchased a Kassel 31 Day clock and within a few days of receiving it, it stopped working.
Before it stopped working it continually made a ticking …
Winding the clock Not rated yet Hello,
I have a brand new Kassel 31 day wall clock. It has two key holes, one for the chime and one for its operation.
I do not know which one … Click here to write your own.
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