Grandfather clock Manufacturer
First the history of Grandfather Clock Manufacturer.
In 1582 an astronomer named Galileo first discovered that time could be measured using a pendulum and drew up the first designs for a grandfather clock. In 1656 his designs were used by Christiaan Huygens who manufactured the first working grandfather clock in history.
But they did not keep time very accurately, and a few years later William Clement discovered that but making the pendulum longer, it would keep better time. This meant that the casing had to elongate and grow taller as well, and what were then known as Long Case Clocks, later came to be known as Grandfather Clocks.
George Graham finally improved this design in 1721 because he saw that temperature fluctuations changed the pendulum and affected its time keeping. He compensated for this and the changes he made were accurate to a within 1 second per day.
Germany holds a prestigious position in the world for producing fine craftsmanship in both casings as well as precision mechanisms. USA, Switzerland, Japan and other countries have also produced top notch grandfather clocks over the centuries.
Design Improved and Grandfather Clock Manufacture began
Two centuries later a grandfather clock manufacturer named
Howard Miller
started making grandfather clocks. Schooled by his father in the Black Forest in Germany, his first clocks were chiming wall and mantel clocks. In 1960 his company started manufacturing Grandfather Clocks and in fact became the world’s largest grandfather clock manufacturer.
Howard has passed his craft and reputation down through three generations of clock makers. Miller acquired The Kieninger Clock Company
in 1993. Kieninger have a reputation of employing ‘old world’ craftsmen who produce exquisite movements in their clocks.
Founded in 1917 in Germany, Joseph Kieninger’s clocks are today considered classics. The Kieninger Clock Company holds the title of being the oldest existing manufacturer of grandfather, mantel and wall clocks in the world.
Kieninger focused on a traditional approach in his manufacture of clocks, but also in the high quality technically advanced mechanical movements that they produce.
Where to buy
Keeping it close
The Black Forest in Germany has produced yet another traditional high quality manufacturer of Grandfather clocks. Franz Hermle founded his family company in 1922, and in 1977 it became known as Hermle Black Forest Clocks.
They have built a reputation for being the largest producer of table clocks, wall clocks and hall clocks as well as technical clockworks; they trade in over 80 countries worldwide. Hermle also produce the Shaker Grandfather clock
A division of Howard Miller is a company called Ridgeway Clocks
. They are situated in Virginia in the USA and produce longcase clocks, mantel clocks and wall clocks. They began life as the The Gravely Furniture Company in 1926 and it was only in 1960 that they started producing grandfather clocks exclusively. The have earned the title of being the oldest company in the USA produce quality grandfather clocks.
The Hentschel Company
was founded in 1890 and is based in Ontario, Canada. They produce very high quality clocks made from locally sourced woods and precision movements sourced from The Hermle Black Forest Company
Other Manufacturers
If you are searching for a Sligh Grandfather Clocks Company
, you may be able to find one through the Bulova Clock Company who bought all Sligh design rights. Sligh have since ceased producing, so have Emperor Clocks
Emperor hails from Germany and Manufactured Clock Kits
for those who wanted to make their own grandfather clocks.
stopped producing grandfather clocks in the 1860’s, but a descendent remains in the field any specializes in clock repairs and maintenance.
Other well regarded grandfather clocks manufacturers are
, Shaker,
Seiko, Curio and Edward Meyer
When it comes to individuality, then nothing beats having a top class grandfather clock made to your own specifications.
And this costs far less then you think.
Go and contact those guys in Germany that make grandfather clock dreams come true: at Lepper clocks
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Howard Miller Grandfather Clocks
Hand made quality Clocks from Germany
Edward Meyer
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