A huge long case clock
by Saul Delman
Hi everyone,
I am new to this forum and I I'm glad to be here.
I need help in identifying an old long case clock that I consider buying.
The clock is said to be from German origin and I am well aware that such a restoration doesn't come cheap.
I have no Idea how much such a clock could worth after restoration and I would ask anyoneto try and give me a value estimate so that I can make an intelligent decision.
The clock is about 2 meters tall with a huge 27 cm (10.6") dial. The movement plates are also huge and they measure 17 X 17.5 cm (about 7" X 7").
It's a 2 weights driven clock that strikes every quarter of an hour on 6 rods chime but it does not strike correctly at the moment. The chimes block says WINETT GONG.
Any help would be appreciated.