Help!! Colonial MFG Model 1716 Pendulum Stops

by Scott
(San Diego CA)

I just acquired a Colonial MFG model 1716 movement 132 dial DC.

The pendulum only swings for a few minutes before it stops.

The weights are pulled all the way up but don't seem to be moving down, even when the pendulum swing is aided.

Looking for some things to try, maybe some pointers on oiling the mechanisms. This clock was acquired at a estate sale, unclear how long it has been sitting.

In good shape, the clock mechanisms appears clean and untarnished.


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Nov 11, 2013
by: Anonymous

Count the hour by the number of gongs after the 16 note tune ie 4. If it doesn't match the time - stop the pendulum and wait until it is 4 again (am or pm doesn't matter)- restart the pendulum at 4:02 then adjust the minute hand by moving it forward if necessary (never go backwards).

Nov 11, 2013
by: Anonymous

If you have Westminster Chimes then there are 4 tones on the quarter hour 8 at half 12 at 3/4 then 16 at the hour PLUS the gongs for the hour depending on what hour it is. What is there to set?

Nov 11, 2013
Working now
by: Anonymous

Readjusted the level and oiled the gearing and the clock started working, keeps great time. Thanks.
I am looking for guidance on setting the chimes to the time. It appears that there are chimes every quarter hour and then additional chimes at the top of the hour but not sure how to set them to the time.

Oct 16, 2013
by: Anonymous

Is it working now?

Oct 15, 2013
by: Anonymous

Thank you. I did check the level and and adjusted it. The weights are pulled up the max height, will try to pull them down a little. again, thank you for the assistance.

Oct 15, 2013
by: Anonymous

Make sure the clock is level - side to side and front to back - use a level - small inexpensive is fine
Don't wind the weights to the very end - leave a tiny space. If each are wound to the max somethimes a very slight pull on the weights straight down will remedy - no force just a light pull

You may need to call an experienced clook repair person - it's worth it to get it running properly

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