I am looking for the clock from my childhood

by Ray

A grandfather clock is a very beautiful piece of furniture to have in your home.

I once had one back in my childhood years. It is very amusing as a child, spending hours just gazing at the way it functions, and its craftsmanship. I remember always posing next to it for pictures and always wanting to be next to it.

Of course, mother always kept an eye on me whenever close to that delicate thing. To this very day I wish I still own that grandfather clock.

I am on the search to find another exact one to fit in my house. That's how amazing they are. So far I have had no luck finding one in my local antique store. The grandfather clock that was in my house looked almost exactly like a Ridgeway Holland Grandfather Clock, model number 2286.

I will give myself until next week if I can't find the original one that I once had, I can settle for the Ridgeway model. I highly recommend you to look into one, it is a piece that really says something about you and your home.

People will come and never forget the outstanding look of a grandfather clock.

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