I would like info on a colonial Grandfathers clock

by Dan
(Seville, Oh)

I have a grandfathers clock my granpda bought a long time ago. It has a Colonial Mfg.co label nailed to the inside of the front door.

It also says solid mahogony on it along with Zeeland, Mich.

From what I've been able to determine through my research it might be a model 1320, on the side doors that open to access the works it has a red fabric with a design cut out in the door.

The clock works but we haven't ran it for a while, if I remember one or two of the weights drops faster than the rest, I don't think it is a major fix, any suggestions on how I can make sure I have someone that knows how to work on it.

Is there somewhere on the clock I could find the actual model. Would there also be a serial number somewhere.

Any information would be greatly appreciated, thank you

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